About sym.net

sym.net was founded in 1997. The owner-run company employs up to 10 regular staff and contractors depending on our current projects. We work closely with different partners to guarantee expertise in a range of fields.

We advise you regarding your software projects, organize workshops, develop your product requirements document and process the complete project. Including controlling, quality-management and auditing your software.

The main focus of our software department is the development and provision of internet-based software solutions for information, knowledge and learning management.

In other words, sym.net helps to communicate information to people in companies and organizations, to provide training and allow them to network, to simplify work processes and promote quality, and to facilitate management tasks by providing precise data.

To sum up

sym.net is a competent, agile, long-term and authentic partner.

  • Competent: Our capital consists of many years of project experience, deep expertise and common sense.
  • Agile: Our reaction times for bids, consulting and project work are short and we are always willing to listen to your concerns – even at odd hours of the day and night when necessary.
  • Long-term: We have your long-term success in mind and deliver high quality for your benefit.
  • Authentic: We always say what we think – as long as our opinions are grounded in our professional experience and help us arrive at compelling solutions for you. Even if this sometimes makes us the bad guys...