Twelve challenges users of a widespread Open Source LMS are facing and ...

You are already using a widely popular Open Source Leaning Management System (LMS) to implement your organization‘s e-learning strategy? You like the open source software philosophy and are generally satisfied with this LMS? You administer users, organize course programs and create course rooms on a large scale?

You are facing certain challenges in the implementation of your e-learning strategy that cannot be solved to your complete satisfaction using the mentioned LMS.

... how they can be solved with the Odalis LMS e-learning framework

Administration of resources across course rooms

I would like to deliver videos and SCORM packages for several course rooms. Do I have to copy these into every single course data folder?

In addition to the course room data folders, Odalis LMS provides independent repositories – digital libraries in which you can store different file types and media. You can administer these resources centrally and link them to multiple course rooms without having to create copies.

For example, when you upload an MS Offi ce or PDF fi le, it will be indexed, meaning that Odalis LMS 'reads' the document and extracts keywords and other metadata (e.g. date of creation). This makes it easier to find document content using the integrated full text search.

In addition, the search function can be used to search the entire LMS, providing an efficient tool for finding learning content, forum articles and courses. The repository also manages different versions of a file. When a more recent version of a fi le replaces an older one, the previous version is automatically archived and remains accessible at all times.

Content Management

I would like to set up pages that are independent of course rooms, e.g. a start and/or login page for internal employees and one for external employees. And how can I provide additional content that is not specific to a course room, such as help pages or a discussion forum?

Odalis LMS provides a complete content management module that can be used to create start and login pages with a course catalog for different user groups, for example.

In addition to your course rooms, you can construct an entire website that links into the LMS from any page. Such a website can also contain interactive modules like a forum, a knowledge database or a webshop.

Centralized administration of online and on site training courses

I am in charge of coordinating our whole training program for several locations. How can I keep track of the courses and users? How can I offer a course catalog that displays the course rooms seperately according to user group and department? For example, our sales department does not need to view the courses we would like to offer to our production staff. For external partners we would like to offer a completely different selection of courses.

Odalis LMS has a learning project management module (LPM). Here you can create and manage new categories, online course rooms and on site training courses. You start by creating a new data sheet on which all necessary course data can be recorded.

The options expand the LMS's course management features; for example, you can save comprehensive course room information or accounting data and name specifi c user groups who can access a certain course in the course catalog. Further data fi elds can be created according to your needs. All categories and courses are displayed using a tree structure that is easy to navigate. This can also be used to structure locations in different countries or different departments of an organization.

Furthermore you can use the LPM to coordinate course creation by managing to-do lists for tutors and content providers. It allows you to track the status of various tasks and provides updates so you know when courses are ready for publication.

A new record within the LPM database can for example be a new online course; the corresponding course room will automatically be created in the related LMS installation. You can also use LPM to create and manage classroom training, workshops, lectures and educational trips and display them in the course catalog.

Controlling of e-learning programs and reporting

I need an overview of all courses that are currently offered, the number of registered participants and the participants’ results for specific periods and departments. How can I analyze and plan our e-learning activities in the long-term?

Odalis LMS provides tools for the short, medium and long-term analysis of all courses and e-learning activities. The reporting engine is integrated within the learning project management and can access the data in the LMS (course results). All information about participants’ results will be aggregated and can be used to answer the following questions:

  • Who has completed which courses, when and with what result?
  • Which mandatory training courses will members of my staff have to attend within the next 6 months?
  • Which tutors have an especially high number of participants successfully complete their courses?
  • How much did our company pay for mandatory continuing professional education in the last year?

Reports will be configured according to the needs of the individual departments and then made available to all authorized users. They can be called up at the touch of a key – no special technical knowledge is necessary. The export and exchange of reports with other systems is also possible.


In most cases our employees have to get approval from their superior before they can register for a training course. Right now we do this by email. Can we optimize and automate such processes?

Odalis LMS has a function to support the approvals process. Depending on the configuration, once a day the superior receives a list of employees who have requested approval for registration. They can approve or reject the employee‘s request. Comments can be included with the rejections for later review by the employee council.

If you like we can enable your managers to review and approve registrations using Blackberry when they are out of the office.

Curricula and learning paths

Within our educational program we not only have single training courses, but also preconfigured learning paths (curricula). A specifi c course can be part of several course combinations. How can we implement such interdependent learning sequences?

Odalis LMS allows you to implement learning paths flexibly. For example, you can group several courses into a training sequence that supports the educational value. Any online training course room or classroom training course can be part of such a group, regardless of the category to which the individual course has been assigned. Participants who have successfully completed a beginner‘s course can automatically be enrolled in advanced training if desired. Alternatively, they can receive a notification informing them of the next step of the curriculum. In this way mandatory training sequences can be implemented or recommendations for follow-up training given.

Course templates

Every term we repeat the same courses and training series with slightly changed and updated content. Can we create course templates to make our work easier?

You can create a new course or classroom training based on an already existing one. All course metadata (title, description, enrollment start and end dates, accounting information) are carried over and can then simply be updated.

Waiting list

We offer training courses with a restricted number of participants (online and on site). When there are cancellations during the enrollment period, how can we fill the vacancies?

Odalis LMS maintains a waiting list of all enrollments; participants are listed in the order they enroll. If a participant cancels their registration, the next participant on the list will automatically be enrolled.

The waiting list also integrates approval workfl ows, i.e. participants not only wait for vacancies but also the approval of their superiors.

Data export and exchange with external systems

How can the human resource department access course and user data from the LMS?

Odalis LMS is able to forward all data (about users, courses and accounting information) to external systems. This can be managed by means of web services and standardized data exchange formats. Please ask us for specific scenarios.


After having successfully completed a course, the participants receive a personalized certifi cate. Can we automate this process?

The certificate module of Odalis LMS allows the creation of personalized certifi cates based on templates. You can link any course or classroom training to any certifi cate. User data is fi lled into the chosen template, which is then available in PDF and other formats.

The certificate can be sent to the participant as a PDF email attachment after course completion. Alternatively you can print certifi cates to hand out personally. It is also possible to activate an archive function that interfaces with external systems.

Target groups and personalization

We would like to present our course catalog according to predefined target groups, e.g. internal and external participants. In addition, there are learning paths for special user groups. Based on the user group, the participants should be enrolled automatically so they attend each mandatory unit in the required order. Finally, we would like to inform visitors to our learning portal about new offers based on their educational profile. How can we do this?

Odalis LMS offers several ways to present selections from the course program based on a range of criteria, e.g. target group, previously attended courses, interests, educational experience or job descriptions. You can also set up automatic enrollment of users who fulfill certain criteria, e.g. have completed an introductory training course. Furthermore, users can be automatically reenrolled in courses they have failed or in specifi c mandatory training courses that must be repeated after a certain period of time.

Multitenancy and multiple user languages

Our company has numerous locations in different countries. Besides a multi-language portal we need to present a customized course program for each country. However, we offer training courses that should be accessible from all locations irrespective of the country. Can we do that with Odalis LMS?

Just as it is possible to categorize by target group and personal data (see the previous point), the course catalog can present a customized selection for each company unit. Usually this concept of data separation is called multitenancy or multi-client capability. A client can be a country, a location, a department or a combination of these. This can reflect a variety of organizational structures. Clients can be very strictly separated from each other (due to competing interests) or share certain data such as parts of the course catalog. For example, you can offer courses in English for all clients; according to your needs and resources you can translate these into the local language. When confi gured accordingly, the course catalog will only list the course once, either the English or – if available – the localized version (mapping).

Reports also can be generated and accessed independently of each other within a multi-client structure. By this means you can implement either a centralized or decentralized administration and controlling concept which takes into account the autonomy of each local unit and any data separation requirements.

Stand: Januar 2010